WellFit by Jennie services include Personal Training, Health Coaching, Fitness Assessments, Health Education.
Available person to person in Marquette, Negaunee, Ishpeming, and Gwinn areas in Marquette County, MI or online nationally.
Online Resources
American College of Sports Medicine Articles and position stands on sports medicine and exercise science
American Council on Exercise Information about healthy living, exercise library, tools & calculators, and healthy recipes
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Information about diseases & conditions, healthy living, travelers’ health, and emergency preparedness
Insight Timer Free app for meditation, relaxation, and sleep
Open Path Psychotherapy Collective Nonprofit offering affordable virtual or in-person psychotherapy
Marquette, MI Area Resources
Bliss Massage Massage therapy services offering a sanctuary of peace and wellness where therapeutic massage becomes a path to holistic healing.
Hidden Gem Wellness Massage therapist Kim Nixon Hainstock understands the injured & aging body and can meet you where you are. With 20 years of experience and an extensive list of services, you can 'age with grace' at all ages.
Superior Fitness Highly qualified, experienced, compassionate exercise & allied wellness professionals providing customized personal training, coaching, & massage in a beautiful, state-of-the-art studio setting.
Charlottesville, VA Area Resources
Acupuncture Clinic *FREE* Cali Gaston & others provide auricular acupuncture. Contact Cali for more information.
Kris Bonham, RDN Kris facilitates lasting behavior changes for those seeking a healthier way of living by helping them access food/nutrition strategies, lifestyle practices, and emotional self-regulation through brain retraining tools.
Blue Ridge ElderCare Advisors Fred Jung, RN, PhD provides elders and their families a detailed safety & needs assessment and support & guidance for navigating health care.
Calming Points Therapeutic Massage With 25+ years of experience, Cecilia Mills specializes in relaxing and rejuvenating massages for pain relief and improved movement for daily life.
The Center at Belvedere Programs and classes for seniors seeking social engagement, physical well-being, civic involvement, creativity, and lifelong learning.
Commonwise Home Care Premium provider of in-home personal care & companionship support for your loved one in Charlottesville, Richmond, or Williamsburg who needs help to safely bathe, dress, ambulate, cook, and run errands. Caregivers are rigorously selected & trained and well-resourced.
Sara Cunningham, MEd, ACSM-CEP, ACLM Sara provides health and well-being coaching and personal training with a focus on lifestyle medicine.
Loving Hands Home Health Care Veronica Vargus and her team provide compassionate, experienced home-based short and long term care.
Schwar Safety Services Joe Schwar provides CPR/AED and Basic First Aid Training for business/companies as well as safety consultation.
TMS Resources
Curable App that incorporates updated pain science and provides evidence-based, safe chronic pain solutions
TMSwiki.org Website that provides information about TMS
“The moment I allowed this unthinkable truth into my conscious mind, the moment I stopped fighting subconsciously so hard not to feel this incredible ugliness and just allowed my deeper truth to rise within me…I was free.”
- Nicole J. Sachs, LCSW